Certification Programs
Develop Skills and Add Value to Your Practice
Motivating Factors
Targeted Assessments based on Axiology provide a deep understanding of the why, how, and what associated with your values, judgments, emotional bias, emotional intelligence factors and soft skills that contribute to developing superior performance.
This online, self-paced certification program will teach you about the 3 dimensions and 2 worlds of values judgement, emotional bias, emotional intelligence factors, soft skills for superior performance, use in hiring, how to manage and coach people according to their top motivators, and how to debrief the assessments.
Axiology - Soft Skills
Identify Motivational Styles
Motivators measures the seven different key motivating factors (personal drivers) that most influence a person's life choices, decisions and actions. Find out what drives people and WHY they behave the way they do. Motivating Factors is the perfect companion assessment to pair with DISC.
This online, self-paced certification program will teach you about the 7 dimensions of motivation, the 2 sides to each motivator and why it is essential to measure it, use in hiring, how to manage and coach people according to their top motivators, and how to debrief the assessments.
Identify Behavioral Styles
DISC provides a highly detailed analysis of an individual’s Natural (i.e. personal/ internal) and Adaptive (i.e. workplace/ external) behavioral styles. In essence, DISC predicts “How?” a person will behave in a given role or situation. Likewise, it offers the prescriptive lessons necessary to maximize the outcome of any interpersonal or workplace communication.
This online, self-paced certification program will teach you about the four dimensions of behavior, behavioral adaptation and stress, adapting your style to better manage and coach people, and how to debrief the assessments.
Emotional-Social Intelligence (ESQ)
ESQ is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. ESQ impacts many different aspects of your daily life, such as the way you behave and the way you interact with others.
This online, self-paced certification program will teach you about the 2 dimensions of Emotional-Social Intelligence and the 4 factors that make up each dimension, and how to debrief the assessments.